Perry Noble Leadership Podcast



Perry Noble will be the first to say that theres no secret formula for being a successful leader, but there is a PERFECT example - Jesus Christ. This podcast is for those who are ready to be challenged in their faith and stretched as leaders and for those willing to do whatever it takes to be more like Jesus.


  • People vs Products


    Episode Summary This week on the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast, Perry and Cole sit down to discuss the dynamics of organizations and leaders who lead from two different perspectives. One perspective is from a focus centered on the end product, and the other puts their focus on people. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2023 All Rights Reserved

  • 7 Core Values That Cement The Stability Of Our Staff (Part Two)


    Episode Summary This week on the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast we're diving back in and talking through the remaining core values of our staff at Second Chance, and why they are key to keeping our staff unified, healthy, and looking forward. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2023 All Rights Reserved

  • 7 Core Values That Cement The Stability Of Our Staff (Part One)


    Episode Summary Join us on this weeks episode of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast as we dive in to part one of discussing the 7 core values of our staff at Second Chance Church, why we didn't set core values immediately, and why core values are necessary. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2023 All Rights Reserved

  • Three Fears That Hold Leaders (and their churches/organizations) from moving forward…


    Episode Summary We took some time off in January, but we're back with new episodes of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast! Join us this week as we discuss common fears that hold us back as leaders from moving forward, and how we can move past these fears. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2023 All Rights Reserved

  • How To Be A Leader When You're Not The Leader


    Episode Summary Through our lives we will find ourselves in situations that require us to lead, even when we're not the leader. Join us this week on the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast as Perry and Cole sit down and discuss ways in which we can grow our leadership, in situations where we might be a new leader gaining influence, or situations which require leadership even though we're not the leader. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

  • My Thoughts On the Enneagram


    Episode Summary On this weeks episode of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast Perry and Cole dive into the value of understanding the personality types of the people we need. We'll specifically talk about the Enneagram, why Perry switched from using the D-I-S-C, and how the people we lead benefit from us having a better insight into their unique personalities and how that relates to the way they receive leadership. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

  • Leading From Revelation, Not Inspiration


    Episode Summary On this weeks episode of The Perry Noble Leadership podcast we're diving into the balance of leading not just from a place of inspiration, which will become stressful, but leaning into revelation to lead our people. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

  • Integrity/Character as a Leader


    Episode Summary Join us on this weeks episode of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast as Perry and Cole discuss how as leaders what we do in private impacts our public leadership. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

  • Why There Was Not A Red Wave In The Midterm Elections


    Episode Summary This podcast isn't about politics, it's about leadership. If you're in the United States, you've surely heard the predictions over the past weeks/months leading up to this mid-term election that there was going to be a red wave, but why then on election night did the wave never come? We're going to dive into the leadership lessons that can be learned and how it ties into the Church. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

  • That Sunday We Had Record Attendance - But Had NO IDEA It Was Going To Happen.


    Episode Summary That Sunday We Had Record Attendance - But Had NO IDEA It Was Going to Happen. Strategy is important when it comes to church attendance. Strategic giveaways work well for church attendance. Also consider trying to "win" on "off" Sundays. Typical "off" Sundays include Memorial Day, Father’s Day, and the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Last year, 2021, our strategy to “win” on the Sunday after Thanksgiving was to giveaway a Second Chance Church hoodie. They were comfortable, simple, and easy advertising/marketing. We promoted it two weeks in advance, and experienced record-breaking attendance (more than our Christmas services!) THREE MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: 1) KEEP IT POSITIVE – We kept focused on the win = the record attendance, not the fact that we ran out of hoodies because we had broken attendance. The crowd will follow the tone the leadership sets in the moment. 2) FIGURE IT OUT - Lean into the "people on the ground" to come up with a plan, that were going to have to do the work. Our plan (develo

  • Four Reasons I See Incredible Potential For The Church In 2023


    Episode Summary On this week's edition of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast, as we approach a mid-term election here in the United States, and a new year. Let's take a step back from the chaos and the news, and look at the reasons why 2023 could be the best year yet for the local Church. Spoiler alert, the potential of the local Church rises and falls on leadership.---Four Reasons I See Incredible Potential For The Church In 2023 1) THE MORE PEOPLE THAT ARE OUT OF CHURCH MEANS THERE IS MORE POTENTIAL TO GROW A record number of people out of church = opportunity to reach record numbers of people. There’s not a lack of churches to attend. There’s a lack of churches that people are connecting to Jesus and/or other people. Church growth happens by God working through people who work towards it. When it comes to growing, always keep these two questions in mind:What do we need to start doing?What do we need to stop doing?2) MORE PEOPLE ARE ASKING QUESTIONS THAT THE CHURCH ACTUALLY HAS ANSWERS TO As

  • Spiritual Leadership Versus Spiritual Abuse


    Episode Summary Join us on this week's episode of the Perry Noble Leadership podcast as Perry and Cole dig into the distinctions between Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Abuse. --- 5 Distinctions Between Spiritual Leadership vs Spiritual Abuse: 1) Leadership Is Necessary, Spiritual Abuse Is NotLeadership is a spiritual gift. Every team needs a point leader. Someone must make the call, most often the difficult call.Spiritual abuse is often seen when a leader isolates themselves, making decisions under the guise of “this is God’s plan” and no one else can question it. While spiritualleadership will embrace clarifying questions about decisions or vision. 2) Leadership Seeks To Influence, Spiritual Abuse Seeks To ControlLeadership is about influence. As John Maxwell says, “people buy into a person before a position.” My personal leadership philosophy is; listen to Jesus, do what He says. When making decisions as a leader, bounce ideas off your inner circle and work your way out to the next layer of people for t

  • Imperfect Leaders & Messy People


    Episode Summary Every leader at one point or another will lead “messy people.” Every leader will also go through a messy situation or season during their leadership if they’re in it long enough. In this episode we will cover the following: We all know that perfect people don’t exist. Everyone has their own struggles, shortcomings, and baggage – new or old. Regarding “church world” there’s usually an unspoken line that you can’t cross without getting fired if your sin sits on the other side of that line. What is “the line?”There are very few hard lines in the sand (example: stealing). Religious people over time have made “extra rules” and asked for perfection that is unattainable by any person. (See Titus 1 & Timothy 3) There is not a pastor that exists today who always meets every single one of these standards. As a leader: 1) How do you deal with a person who is currently struggling or continuously struggling? 2) Is the culture and environment of the church (or business) you lead a safe spac

  • Should A Christian/The Church Be Involved in Politics?


    Episode Summary For years I said, "no" to the church being involved in politics. Our responsibility was to "Preach the Gospel.” After more consideration and examination, the church’s job isn’t just about getting people out of hell and into heaven. It’s about getting Jesus in our hearts and to transform us here on earth. That transformation includes becoming kingdom-minded with all areas of our life, including politics. 1) DECOMPARTMENTALIZATION When we ask Jesus into our life, we as Jesus to be “a part of our life.” We tend to compartmentalize Christ, but as a follower you truly can’t. He is a part of every area of our life from relationships to money, career, etc. Jesus didn’t die on a cross to only play a small part in our lives. And if Jesus is in us, then we need to view everything through the lenses of His eyes, not ours. Colossians 3:3-4 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in al

  • Five Temptations All Wounded Leaders Face


    Episode Summary As leaders, at some point, we are all going to find ourselves wounded. In that moment, the question is, how do we heal and stay in the game, rather than falling into the temptations which distract us from our purpose as leaders?1) THE TEMPTATION TO HIDE Instead of owning our mistakes, we are tempted to want to run away. Running away leads to isolation. Isolation always leads to (further) destruction. 2) SELF DOUBT At one point or another, we will all make bad decisions. We have two options on how to handle the result of our bad decision – use them as a tool to become better, or let it steal our calling. If we continue to doubt ourselves because of bad decisions we’ve made in the past or fear making future decisions, we will cease seeking God. 3) SEEKING AFFIRMATION IN THE WRONG PLACES If we are not careful, we can start to seek out only instant affirmation and gratification (think, social media). We can get in a toxic cycle without realizing it, by overestimating the value of outsiders a

  • 5 Lessons I Learned Leading Through COVID


    Episode Summary 1) Uncertainty Is The Reason We Need Leadership When COVID hit – Leaders across the board had no idea what to do, from leading a country through a pandemic to leading a ministry and church through one. However, as a leader, in times of uncertainty, is when people need clarity.We will never have “all the information” to make a decision, but we are still called to make the best decision for the people we are leading with the information we do have. Somebody has to jump and go first, if everyone else is stalling in indecision or fear. 2) You Cannot Please Everyone We tend to believe what we pay attention to the most. Not everyone is going to be happy with your decision. In fact, it’s rare for everyone to agree with your decision, big or small. Regardless, you must stay focused on your mission. 3) Make A Decision Indecision is a decision to neglect your gift to lead! One of the most challenging things about being a leader is making the decision. Every decision comes with weight, that the lea

  • People Struggling With Mental Illness Shouldn’t Be In Church Leadership


    Episode Summary I have battled with some form of mental illness for as long as I can remember, anxiety, depression, etc. I have good seasons and bad seasons - at times feel like I’ve escaped it, and at others I feel like David in the Psalms asking God, “Why have you forsaken me?” This is why I became really angry a few weeks ago when I saw a prominent pastor say that it is “reckless and unbiblical” for a pastor to be in ministry who has mental illness or who has serious doubts about their faith.”What was reckless and unbiblical was his statement and attitude. As a pastor who has battled with this I want you to know that:You are NOT unqualified.This guys statements shames people (something Jesus never did). If you are CALLED - then Jesus knew everything about you before He called you! 5 Steps To Take if you are wrestling with anxiety or depressionWhat To Do (Message From Holly Brown) Get Professional HelpMarinate in WorshipFind One FriendFight BackUnderstand You Are NOT Alone Episode Resources Episode Quot

  • Ideas Are Crap - It’s Execution That Matters


    Episode Summary In Bible - it wasn’t IDEAS that changed things—it was the execution of those ideas. Noah had more than a vision. David wasn’t the first person who thought about fighting Goliath!Nehemiah wasn’t the first person who thought, “the wall should be built”Reasons We Don’t Execute FearOther PeopleWhat Idea Do You Need To Execute? What is the one thing you know you need to do—but you’ve been afraid to bring it up? When are you going to bring it up?You can do exactly what God has called you to do. Episode Resources Episode Quotes All Content is © 2005 - 2020 All Rights Reserved

  • Five Leadership Traps That Are Easy To Fall Into


    Episode Summary My first speeding ticket was on Marchbanks Road in Anderson, SC. The funny thing: when I began telling people about it, everyone told me the exact spot where I was pulled over! It was a speed trap! We all know about speed traps when we're driving but did you know, there are leadership traps as well? Leadership traps will literally tear down what has taken time to build throughout years of leadership. Trap One: Personal Insecurities When we allow personal insecurities to dominate our mindset they will always manifest themselves in our ability to lead. Self awareness is one of the greatest things a leader can have. The sooner a leader recognized his/her own personal insecurities, the sooner they can begin to work through them. For example, when I first began my leadership journey my personal insecurities came out in two major ways... 1. Sarcasm The best way for me to deal with something was to make a joke about it. Sarcasm will work short term, but long term it will cause people to lose res

  • Three Ways To Handle Hate On Social Media


    Episode Summary "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..." Yeah, right. Hate on social media is real and it is becoming an epidemic that not only effects people emotionally, but also physically and mentally. So let's talk about it: let's dive into How to Handle Hate on Social Media. Social media is an incredible tool/resource when it comes to communication, branding and keeping up with friends and family members all over the world. However, it’s also become a source of frustration, anxiety and even depression for so many people; especially those with a leadership position. There are not many areas where I would consider myself an expert; however, in the area of dealing with "haters" I feel like I’ve earned a doctorate degree. How to Handle Internet Hate Empathy I’ve had the “privilege” to meet a few “internet trolls” in my lifetime and after doing so, I really did feel sorry for them. You could tell they were miserable and not the person they projected themselves to be on the int

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